
Gemini Horoscope 2020

Gemini Horoscope 2020 

The year will begin with Jupiter in Libra, Saturn in Sagittarius, Rahu in Cancer and Ketu in Capricorn, Mars this year will be hanging in Capricorn from 2nd May to 6th November and will be retrograding from 27th June to 28th August. Every alternate year Mars does this so this is nothing new. This will be the broad planetary picture of 2018.

Let us see how this year will be for Gemini people:

Family: You will have disturbed family life this year. The related house is afflicted and this will create several minor to major issues. You will have to do a lot of adjustments and still there will be hot talks with near and dear ones. You will see many occasions on which you will have to go through mental trauma for nonexistent issues. Misunderstanding will be a major cause and other will be lack of understanding. You may also get bad news from the family circle. Harsh words will be used off and on.

Gemini Yearly Predictions 2020

Married life: married life is another foray in which you will see lot of problems. Your relationship may also get to the edge of separation or divorce. You will have a lot of things happening in your married life and most of them will be saddening only. After 11th October things will get worse so it is advised that do not try to dominate your spouse and try to be understanding and cooperative in this year.

Check Janam Kundali
Health: You may have diseases of teeth, mouth ulcers, nervous problems, and mental problems. You may suffer from insomnia; dysfunction of liver, STD is also possible.

Read Also : Gemini Daily Horoscope to know about this day

Career: You will have problems in your career throughout the year. There is likelihood of changing the job or job roles may change in the same organization. You may be fired for non performance. You will be getting better job only after October and that too may not prove very beneficial in the long run. Months of May to November are going to be real pain as far as all things are concerned.

Business: For Gemini people who are into business of any kind this year is not going to bring any goodness. This will be a dull year as far as day to day businesses are concerned and also in larger scale business things will be moving very slowly. Losses will be more prominent and your efforts to make profits will all go in vain this year. Moreover from May to November things will be most negative so do not lose hope in this period. Don’t make any investments in this period otherwise you will be responsible for the losses.

Romance: This is an area which may give you some relief this year. Fall in love and forget the hurdles which will come in your work whether it is Job or Business. But the goodness will remain till 11th October 2018 and later things will go out of hands.

Gemstone for the year: This year there is no stone which is going to give you benefits and it is advised that if you are wearing any stone it is better to say bye to it this year.

Vedic remedies: This year things are not going to be smooth for you in most of the spheres of life. It will be very wise to fast on Saturdays and Tuesdays. Donate blood on a Tuesday for the poor and the weak. Recite Hanuman ji chalisa daily twice morning and evening without fail and shani stotra daily evening. Keep a photo of radhaji and Krishna together in your bedroom. Wear a locket of Goddess kali.

Scorpio Horoscope 2020

Scorpio Horoscope 2020

The year will begin with Jupiter in Libra, Saturn in Sagittarius, Rahu in Cancer and Ketu in Capricorn, Mars this year will be hanging in Capricorn from 2nd May to 6th November and will be retrograding from 27th June to 28th August. Every alternate year Mars does this so this is nothing new. This will be the broad planetary picture of 2020.

Let us see what is in store for Scorpios people this year:

Family: This is not at all a good year for this dimension of your life. You will have minor irritating issues in your day to day life which may later take a larger shape depending upon your natal horoscopes. You may have serious disputes with your brothers between May to November this year. You will try to take some benefit from him/them and there will be resistance to it. Your neighbors too may become a source of trouble for you. It will be better to have a cool head this year.

Married life: Married life is not going to be very great. There will be minor to major clashes. The issue is mostly going to be money and another person. You may decide to separate or legally divorce too in this year. You may also have to take help from police authorities.

Check Janam Kundali
Health: You may have accident in which you may get severe injury on your shoulders or legs. There are chances of amputation too. Eyes may give problems. You may have blood disorders.

Career: Career part is going to be normal, average this year. You will not be having many things to worry about. You will not be doing many great things. You may develop disliking for your current job and may start looking for another one. Change of work stream is also a possibility. You will be having more negative trends than positive ones in your career. You will become known person in your circle but most of you will be known for your arrogant attitude and not for cooperative one.

Business: Business activities are not going to be very good but status quo will be there. You will not be able to save but will be gaining and draining from your sales. You may be fooled by your own staff regarding the profits so it will be good if you keep a check on your sales books. You may have to bear fine and losses due to your partner and legal proceedings may happen. It is likely that you will have businesses reach to foreign countries or newer countries.

Romance: It will be just great for you if you can say bye to your romance for time being and focus on your career or business. The planets are not at all favoring to bestow upon your any new beginning and they are willing to end if something is going on. If you want to sustain your relationship then do not dominate your partner otherwise you will have nothing in your hands.

Gemstone for the Year: No stone is going to give you any benefit this year.

Vedic Remedies: You should feed a cow with yellow pulses and Jaggery mixture. The quantity should not be less than a kilo. Do this on every Thursday and Saturday. Those who can do daily can do this daily also. Help someone to make a better life. Do not help stray beggars but people who are really in the need. Donate money to people have problem of limping.

what is Digital Marketing ?

Marketing of any product or brand with the use of digital technology through internet including mobile phones and digital platforms like Google Facebook social media and any other online medium of advertising if is is is a part of digital market digital marketing is providing as a platform to promote our brand online via various kinds of techniques digital marketing is very helpful as compared to traditional marketing because we are able to target exact customer and potential visitors who was searching exactly our services we are able to show our products and services exactly two people who are searching for our products without any hassle in traditional marketing there is a misunderstanding between advertiser and customer .

How Do I Get Started Digital Marketing

Android advertiser is not able to track the performance of the marketing strategy where as in digital marketing you can compare your digital marketing campaign at every point digital marketing is very helpful two small scale brands because you can start your campaigning with very small amount of money suppose that if you are launching Aircel own business in Delhi you can target the local residence and people who are located near by you in just small amount of money you can also able to track and advertise your brand to gender base age locality area according to your wish and convenience this feature helps you to minimise your optimal cost of advertising which is very necessary in promoting the small scale industry in this article we are going to discuss various kinds of digital marketing techniques whether its organic or paid if you want to get more information regarding digital marketing visit our link how to who research keywords for your business


what is Meta Tags in On Page SEO ?

what is Meta Tags in On Page SEO ?

On page SEO is a part of technique in which we make changes inside our website to get indexed in various search engines like Google when Yahoo we will use different kinds of free tools which are provided by Google and Bing to make our website better and perform better we can able to track the performance of our website through this various free tools which are provided by Google like Google Webmaster Google Analytics Bing Webmaster Bing Analytics on which factors which affects the website are written below

Meta tags meta tags are mandatory in website to get index in Google there are different types of tax available in market as like title tag meta title meta description backwards meta language matar country these tag define sour website and provides unique name for every page which is created in our website in meta titles we will use exactly key words which are going to Target in our web page meta title length is 65 characters long we have to target all our it was within 65 characters to get maximum benefit of meta title
Meta description these tag used to explain our web page nature It is also so used to you target and explain the web page with our target keywords in it the length of meta description is 160 characters long you have to target all the keywords inside meta description

Google Meta Keywords Descriptions

Meta keywords it is a keywords which are going to Target in our web page we will write keywords under this tab ab in double column and we use comma to separate our keywords in it
Google Analytics tool it is a tool which is provided Google by Google free of cost to all all uses of websites with the just sign up by Gmail Google Analytics is helpful in tracking the performance of your website and customer behavior with your website you can able to track the source of visitors in your website which pages performs better number of times visitors return back to your website Bounce rate and and I exactly location of your visitor for example if you want to target the visitor from us you can able to find number of visitors coming from US done ok or any other City this is a small one line tool which is provided by Google you just have to to enter the code in your website or a web page which you want to track

what is Off Page SEO ?

what is Off Page SEO ?

Off page Search Engine Optimisation is a technique of making inborn backlinks through various means of resources which are provided by Google any other search engine free in this we are not going to change our website inside the source code we will make backlinks outside the website by various different kinds of sources and available mediums
Different kinds of of page sources are :
1 Classified submission it is a best technique to get that dofollow backlink for our website which is helpful in improving the ranking of our website and promoting our brand organically freely without any cost anybody can post their website and its promotional content to various kinds of classified posting portals like OLX Quikr Maxus etc the way to create backlink via classified posting is very simple you just have to sign up with your existing Gmail account and post with title description and one image with your URL to get the backlink which is dofollow and improve your ranking of the website weather in minimum time

2 Article submission it is one of the best techniques available in the market off page SEO which helps you to gain ranking organically within minimum period of time you have to submit they article just relevant TTE to the content which is targeted in the meta keywords I have to write minimum 300 to 500 according to to their targeted keywords it is organically Boost Your ranking in minimum period of time where are different places available where user can post the articles free of cost like sooperarticles is an articles article base etc

3 PPT submission PowerPoint submission is one of the another technique which is free of cost and helps you to Boost Your ranking immediately it is a best technique to get the do follow backlinks for your website from a popular portal you just have to do you just have to sign up with your existing Gmail account and upload the power point presentation without any hassle.

PPT submission

What is Domain Name ? DNS

What is Domain Name? | Domain Name Types |

Domain name is the name of your web site all your business dominant consists of 60 characters long
If you want to register your business online you have to choose one domain name for your website which differentiate your business from others bechar already available in the market you will choose domain name according to your wish and convenience which are relevant to your business suppose that if you want to start a travel business you will target डोमेन related to that travel portal
Domain name is very essential to choose wisely E and relevancy if your domain is not relevant to your business you cannot able to change your domain after purchasing purchasing the domain
Dominance help you to target your audience what you intend to sell to them
Many people think it is important to have keywords in a domain hi what’s in the domain name are usually important but it cannot be mandatory to use that domain name keywords you can able to target keywords in any डोमेन

Define DNS- Domain Name

if you want to purchase a domain make sure it is small simple and relevant to your business stop avoiding the long tail keywords dominance which are not relevant in the current market scenario it is outdated trend to get the targeted key base keywords

Different kinds of Google AdWords campaigns

Different kinds of Google AdWords campaigns

Google AdWords offers different kinds of Google AdWords campaigns and its type you can able to create Google AdWords according to you and your needs the main types of Google AdWords campaigns are listed below

1 Google Search Network Ads in Google search network ads we can create the advertisement at the Google search engine console Endeavour ads are displayed when the the user search power keywords which are inserted in the Google campaign site ads are visible at the top of the search network anda Google partner sites we can able to to make our heads visible at the the targeted Google AdSense approved websites and the Google partners websites

Types of Google AdWords Campaigns for Building

We also have option to to select the bid strategy only for clicks that means Google will charge you if user Clicks on the website ad and visit your web page or also known as the landing page which is created by you you don’t have to pay any amount of money at the display CPC is the best best and cheapest mode of Google advertisement and widely used by small businesses which want to grow and reach the exact number of potential customers which are going to targeted in the the promotion of the business

2 Google video ads in Google video ads we can promote our business at the YouTube by creating a small time video of 30 seconds Google adword console’ Google video ads are used for the branding of the new and small businesses we can also used Google Adword video acts as a trigger to events which are going to happen in the nearest period of time for example new branded company going to launch some of the exciting offers which are located in a particular City or a state of the country we can able to to which are available in that city and helpful to gain the access to the people of the city

Google video ads

What is the use of Google AdWords

Google AdWords is the tool which is provided by Google to promote your business online without any hassle you can able to promote your business through various kinds of models available just like CPC known for cost per click CPM cost per mile and CPA cost per acquisition
We can enhance the reach of our business by use of this methods Google AdWords is the perfect tool total power potential customers we can able to justify and classify our clients needs through these tools a perfect digital company will provide you the classified data of the company and the uses which r targeted by the campaign which is created to enhance the productivity of the business target the exact audience with the help of Google AdWords is possible where us in the traditional media of marketing we are not able to target the exact number of the audiences which is the main drawback of the traditional marketing we can able to promote the business in the particular reach particular time and the particular age group for example if we want to to promote a barber shop in Delhi we just want to reach the audience which are available in Delhi the audience of outside Delhi is useless for us this is the perfect example which shows the exact creativity of our rich you can able to target age group gender income and the interest of the consumer which are going to be your next customer I am writing this article to provide you the number of advantages of Google AdWords which are necessary to known to the new digital marketing
We can able to create different kinds of advertisement like search network ads display network ads video ads animation ads in the Google AdWords we will just login in Google AdWords with our current Gmail account to create new Google AdWords we also get a discount coupon of 2000 rupees and the registration of new Google account
The only condition is that you have to spend 2000 rupees within first month you will able to see e how to create new campus target audience in our next blog

What is Bounce rate in Google Analytics and how to reduce it ?

Bounce rate it is a percentage that show how many users landed on a webpage and then exited with website without having any interaction of the website this means they didn’t click ok ok get interacted with any kind of content
You can able to track the bounce rate of the website at the top level of the Google Analytics dashboard you can see how many peoples are interested with your website and exited without any interaction on visiting any content of the website
Reasons of high Bounce rate
One high loading time loading time is essential and most necessary feature of the website sometime you are loading time of the website is very high users cannot hear the patients and get excited from the website without an interaction this thing increases the bounce rate of the website and data will be visible in the Google Analytics dashboard to reduce the bounce rate from loading time you should take necessary measures and make a website landing page which is is loaded in in 2 seconds to get the best interaction of the website
Irrelevant content this is the second main reason of high Bounce rate when user visits your website didn’t get the relevant content to the need of the user user get distracted and exited from your website without any interaction you should take care of content in today’s market because content is King if you are not taking the content seriously you will get a high number of Bounce rate which affects your website
3 optimise for mobile today 50% of traffic is coming from the mobiles and tabs make your website mobile friendly and responsive to get me high conversion rate and best bounce rate in the website mobile friendly websites gets lowest Bounce rate because it is the best way to show the content to the mobile uses always try to to make content mobile friendly SEO friendly and responsive to the the clients

IT, SEO, Tips

What is the use of Google Webmaster tool ?

Google Webmaster tool is a free tool which is provided by Google . It is a free tool which provides you at dashboard to monitor us site execution side performance submit content for crawling recognizing issues any kind of parrots at only one place you can able to see number of backlinks which are helpful indexing of your website you can able to index your website to the Google search engine or a Bing search engine with the use of Google Webmaster tool
Google Webmaster tool allows you to track how search engines see your website and web pages with the content which you have uploaded in it you can also able to see number of pages in text in the Google for searching
Google Webmaster tool provides you detail report of targeted keywords in your website you can able to find the exact location of your keywords which you are targeted for the organically ranking you can see the performance of the keywords which are leading to the potential customers
Google Webmaster tool provides you broken link 404 page and any kind of error which are affecting your website and you need to you fulfill it and remove the errors from it suppose that you have changed the URL or the path of the some pages in the past Google shows them in red colour or a 404 pages which are not available in the website you have to fix this broken issue to enhance the performance of your website
Google Webmaster help SEO to Intex new content 2 search engine users can able to submit our new content via crawl fetch facturas option available in the dashboard of Google Webmaster tool you can able to use this Google Webmaster tool by using your existing Google Gmail account this setup process is very simple and easy you just have to add your website and get the Google Webmaster code which should be posted inside the website to get the detailed report of the website in Google dashboard