What is Domain Name ? DNS

Mar 5, 2020 IT, SEO, Technical

What is Domain Name? | Domain Name Types |

Domain name is the name of your web site all your business dominant consists of 60 characters long
If you want to register your business online you have to choose one domain name for your website which differentiate your business from others bechar already available in the market you will choose domain name according to your wish and convenience which are relevant to your business suppose that if you want to start a travel business you will target डोमेन related to that travel portal
Domain name is very essential to choose wisely E and relevancy if your domain is not relevant to your business you cannot able to change your domain after purchasing purchasing the domain
Dominance help you to target your audience what you intend to sell to them
Many people think it is important to have keywords in a domain hi what’s in the domain name are usually important but it cannot be mandatory to use that domain name keywords you can able to target keywords in any डोमेन

Define DNS- Domain Name

if you want to purchase a domain make sure it is small simple and relevant to your business stop avoiding the long tail keywords dominance which are not relevant in the current market scenario it is outdated trend to get the targeted key base keywords

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