Archive: March 5, 2020

Different kinds of Google AdWords campaigns

Different kinds of Google AdWords campaigns

Google AdWords offers different kinds of Google AdWords campaigns and its type you can able to create Google AdWords according to you and your needs the main types of Google AdWords campaigns are listed below

1 Google Search Network Ads in Google search network ads we can create the advertisement at the Google search engine console Endeavour ads are displayed when the the user search power keywords which are inserted in the Google campaign site ads are visible at the top of the search network anda Google partner sites we can able to to make our heads visible at the the targeted Google AdSense approved websites and the Google partners websites

Types of Google AdWords Campaigns for Building

We also have option to to select the bid strategy only for clicks that means Google will charge you if user Clicks on the website ad and visit your web page or also known as the landing page which is created by you you don’t have to pay any amount of money at the display CPC is the best best and cheapest mode of Google advertisement and widely used by small businesses which want to grow and reach the exact number of potential customers which are going to targeted in the the promotion of the business

2 Google video ads in Google video ads we can promote our business at the YouTube by creating a small time video of 30 seconds Google adword console’ Google video ads are used for the branding of the new and small businesses we can also used Google Adword video acts as a trigger to events which are going to happen in the nearest period of time for example new branded company going to launch some of the exciting offers which are located in a particular City or a state of the country we can able to to which are available in that city and helpful to gain the access to the people of the city

Google video ads

What is the use of Google AdWords

Google AdWords is the tool which is provided by Google to promote your business online without any hassle you can able to promote your business through various kinds of models available just like CPC known for cost per click CPM cost per mile and CPA cost per acquisition
We can enhance the reach of our business by use of this methods Google AdWords is the perfect tool total power potential customers we can able to justify and classify our clients needs through these tools a perfect digital company will provide you the classified data of the company and the uses which r targeted by the campaign which is created to enhance the productivity of the business target the exact audience with the help of Google AdWords is possible where us in the traditional media of marketing we are not able to target the exact number of the audiences which is the main drawback of the traditional marketing we can able to promote the business in the particular reach particular time and the particular age group for example if we want to to promote a barber shop in Delhi we just want to reach the audience which are available in Delhi the audience of outside Delhi is useless for us this is the perfect example which shows the exact creativity of our rich you can able to target age group gender income and the interest of the consumer which are going to be your next customer I am writing this article to provide you the number of advantages of Google AdWords which are necessary to known to the new digital marketing
We can able to create different kinds of advertisement like search network ads display network ads video ads animation ads in the Google AdWords we will just login in Google AdWords with our current Gmail account to create new Google AdWords we also get a discount coupon of 2000 rupees and the registration of new Google account
The only condition is that you have to spend 2000 rupees within first month you will able to see e how to create new campus target audience in our next blog

What is Bounce rate in Google Analytics and how to reduce it ?

Bounce rate it is a percentage that show how many users landed on a webpage and then exited with website without having any interaction of the website this means they didn’t click ok ok get interacted with any kind of content
You can able to track the bounce rate of the website at the top level of the Google Analytics dashboard you can see how many peoples are interested with your website and exited without any interaction on visiting any content of the website
Reasons of high Bounce rate
One high loading time loading time is essential and most necessary feature of the website sometime you are loading time of the website is very high users cannot hear the patients and get excited from the website without an interaction this thing increases the bounce rate of the website and data will be visible in the Google Analytics dashboard to reduce the bounce rate from loading time you should take necessary measures and make a website landing page which is is loaded in in 2 seconds to get the best interaction of the website
Irrelevant content this is the second main reason of high Bounce rate when user visits your website didn’t get the relevant content to the need of the user user get distracted and exited from your website without any interaction you should take care of content in today’s market because content is King if you are not taking the content seriously you will get a high number of Bounce rate which affects your website
3 optimise for mobile today 50% of traffic is coming from the mobiles and tabs make your website mobile friendly and responsive to get me high conversion rate and best bounce rate in the website mobile friendly websites gets lowest Bounce rate because it is the best way to show the content to the mobile uses always try to to make content mobile friendly SEO friendly and responsive to the the clients

IT, SEO, Tips

What is the use of Google Webmaster tool ?

Google Webmaster tool is a free tool which is provided by Google . It is a free tool which provides you at dashboard to monitor us site execution side performance submit content for crawling recognizing issues any kind of parrots at only one place you can able to see number of backlinks which are helpful indexing of your website you can able to index your website to the Google search engine or a Bing search engine with the use of Google Webmaster tool
Google Webmaster tool allows you to track how search engines see your website and web pages with the content which you have uploaded in it you can also able to see number of pages in text in the Google for searching
Google Webmaster tool provides you detail report of targeted keywords in your website you can able to find the exact location of your keywords which you are targeted for the organically ranking you can see the performance of the keywords which are leading to the potential customers
Google Webmaster tool provides you broken link 404 page and any kind of error which are affecting your website and you need to you fulfill it and remove the errors from it suppose that you have changed the URL or the path of the some pages in the past Google shows them in red colour or a 404 pages which are not available in the website you have to fix this broken issue to enhance the performance of your website
Google Webmaster help SEO to Intex new content 2 search engine users can able to submit our new content via crawl fetch facturas option available in the dashboard of Google Webmaster tool you can able to use this Google Webmaster tool by using your existing Google Gmail account this setup process is very simple and easy you just have to add your website and get the Google Webmaster code which should be posted inside the website to get the detailed report of the website in Google dashboard

Why to use Google Analytics ?

Google Analytics tools is a tool which is provided free of cost by Google to track be performance of the website and user interaction with website you can able to track the performance of best web pages in your website and request pages in your website free of cost without any hassle Google provide this tool free of cost by sign in just by existing Gmail account
2 it collects automatically data from various modes without any Hustle Google Analytics has the feature that reduces the work that is required to put Google Analytics oxides and spreadsheets you don’t have to take any kind of step to collect the data Google Analytics automatically collects for you when user interacts with your website it records the position of the user how he reach your website and WhatsApp behaviour of the user and it Bounce rate of the user Google analytic also provide whether the user is first time or existing user which is returning back after some period of time you can create and check customised report according to your wish
3 trackby gender age device and the location of the user Google Analytics provides the ability to practice exact age Gender and the interest of the user which is going to interact with your website you can also able to track exact location of your audience which is targeted by you and you will track the behaviour of the user with your content in minimum steps it also gives you are data how the visitors were driven to your website Google Analytics also gives you views of what kind of devices used by user and they are interacting with your website for example weather visitor is coming from your mobile website tab ab for a desktop computer Google Analytics also as browser of the Uses you can check the which browser used by the user
Real-time analysis Google Analytics provides the ability to check the real-time analysis means currently available users to your website which are interacting with your website you can able to check which pages are searching and checking by the users this helps you to check which contentious is very much popular in terms of uses and benefit to the users

Best WordPress Plugins to Install in Website

in this article I’m gonna share with you guys 10 amazing plugins that I found and I use on my website and I guarantee you by the end of this article you guys will probably use at least two
alright at least two plugins so let’s go ahead and introduce you all to these plugins number one is one signal now
have you ever been to a website where that little note comes up saying would you like push notifications
well this plugin will actually allow you to gather you know people’s information and you can actually send out push
notifications out through people’s browsers now the great part about this plug-in is that it’s free and it
converts ten times better than email
marketing so right here you guys can see
my numbers or I have around 3,800 people
so whenever I actually sent out a post
or I create a new project or if I add a
new product to my e-commerce websites
3000 and our people will be notified via
browser and they can simply click on it
and be directed to your website so it’s
a very convenient way to get people to
come to your website and setting and
having like an email campaign you know
so push notifications is kind of where
it’s going email marketing is still
amazing but if you’re not using push
notifications on your website
get on it it’s a free plugin it’s
amazing I have a full tutorial on it and
you should have it on every single
website next is ice creeeeam now ice
creeeeam watch to give you the ability
to have popups on your website and it
actually gives you the ability to have
the pop-up bars also on top your website
so right here you guys can see I have
this announcement bar right here this
was all done with the plugin now it also
creates pop-up subscriptions email
notifications anything that you wants
this plugin has it’s kind of like a 10
an all in one thing so it’s a very
useful plugin it gathers email addresses
and it has tons and tons of positive
reviews so you guys can see for yourself
it’s called ice creeeeam so I highly
recommend it
it’s simply amazing and let’s talk about
security you know security is probably
one of the most important things on your
websites and if you guys are not using
all-in-one W migration then you’re
missing out because this plugin I will
actually just take
copy of your website download at your
desktop and then you can upload it
immediately in fact it’s the easiest
plugin that I have found for you know
backups and everything else and you guys
can just look at the reviews right here
so you got you know 3559 positive
reviews over almost 1 million active
install so again it’s it’s nothing short
of amazing it’s a great free plugin and
I highly recommend it because I use it
and it’s it’s it’s just amazing ok next
is really simple SSL now why is this so
important well Google just had a huge
update in January and I’m sorry last
year and if you don’t have an SSL on
your website guess what happens people
get that like do not go this is a virus
porn website and people can get the
wrong idea of your website so with this
plugin does is that if you have an SSL
and it’s not working it will force the
SSL to work so let’s say you have an SSL
and your hosting company like we don’t
know what’s wrong they’re gonna
recommend you to install this plug-in so
it’s called really simple SSL and again
it will make sure that people do not get
that like error you know they’re trying
to steal your stuff this will actually
take that off so people can actually go
to your website off to worry about all
that crazy stuff so again it does
require an SSL it’s not a free SSL but
you guys can always use my hosting
sycron com they’ll give you a free SSL
so I highly recommend to get a really
simple SSL especially if you have like
problems with that little green lock
like right here you guys can see this
green lock that’s what it gives you so
people are like oh it’s secure and it’s
like it is you know it’s it’s just you
know you go to websites people like it
you know so you just gotta get it you
know so definitely check out really
simple SSL next is WP fastest cache so
this is a caching plug-in if you guys
are not caching your websites
shame on you because you should be
because it makes your site much faster
and this has over 500,000 active
installs now I used to recommend that
other one it was like I forgot it like
WP something but this plug-in and I is
actually I’ve used it from its
competitors and I’ve just seen amazing
results so w fastest cache it’s a free
caching plugin again if you guys are
using SiteGround though they do give you
a separate
sigh crown caching plugin so if you guys
you know you don’t you won’t need this
plugin if using psych round but for
those of you who aren’t you might need
to use this plugin it’s a free plugin
it’s great I love it and I recommend it
to all of my friends and clients because
it is amazing
next is WPS WPS hide login so what does
that do
well when using WordPress guys
unfortunately you can just go to any
website and just go to other using
WordPress let’s go ahead and type this
in NEP – admin now once I press enter
you can see that this says this has been
disabled so this will basically not
allow people to have access to that
little login page because that’s kind of
freaky that anyone can go to your
website and just kind of go to your you
know your dopey admin and guess your
credentials you know and if they guess
your credentials or if they know it or
something like that you’re gonna be in
trouble you know your site’s gonna be
hacked so this plug-in right here will
actually make it so you can change it to
anything that you would want it’s a free
plugin and it’s so easy to use so all
you have to do I could actually show you
guys really quickly so I might I take
mine to dota 2 so mine’s a video game so
it’s it’s Nana gives you the log in the
log in thing right there so that’s
pretty helpful and under my settings
right here under my general it’s really
easy go down here and just change your
permalinks so WPS hide login and then
you just change it to whatever you want
and then go to Save Changes and voila
you have a amazing secret WP admin login
ok so be sure to check outs WPS hide
login next is WP smush so what this does
is that it actually compresses all of
your images and it gets rid of all that
extra space to make your site load
faster so it’s very helpful and it
actually has over 1 million active
installs with 3001 or 66 positive
reviews so for example let’s say you
have like 20 megabytes of pictures it
will try and compress it as much as
possible without losing resolution and
quality to make it maybe around 10
megabytes so I get around like a 35%
reduction on size which increases
loading time or I’m sorry decreases
loading time so I recommend WPS Bush
it’s an amazing
again just try it out it’ll actually
smoosh all of your images on your
website all at one time so it’s it’s
amazing it’s it’s simply amazing
next is titty Oh chats anti-do chats is
a live chat feature so if you guys want
live chat available on your website
titty Oh chat is a free service and
people can come to your website and they
can start chatting and I think it’s just
a great service to have so tdo chats if
you want that little box on the bottom
right saying hey you know how can I help
you you know I think tmd hosting has
that let’s try it out team be hosting